Let Your Business Work For You 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

At DFYinc we help you automate the processes your business depends on. We establish the SOP’s and provide the tech which enables you to automatically greet, educate, guide, close, support, and manage your clients throughout every single step of your target market’s journey.

With Done For You Inc.’s digital asset management, you save the expense of an entire executive, marketing, sales, legal, and support department your brand needs to position your brand as a leader in your market.

While we cannot put a price on  stress free nights and peaceful mornings with the results you need, we can provide you with the opportunity and environment you need for you to grow your company as big as you want!

Try it for free, get started below!


What we do

How We Handle Your Business

With DFYinc’s automation and artificial intelligence development  customized for your business, you can consistently deliver the results your clients expect from your brand.

about DFYinc

We combine psychology, emotion, user experience, creative problem solving, and value.​

DFYinc LLC is a tech-enabled  digital marketing and Ai solutions provider, with a customized strategy for each of our clients based on the psychology, buyer emotion, and statistical data inline with your marketing goals. As a result, we’ve driven over $3 billion in sales and over 7.8 million leads for our clients.

You help us understand in detail about your business, goals, target audience, and any specific requests or preferences you have. Upon completing the questionnaire, you will be asked to schedule an introduction call with one of our account managers.

Our in-depth approach involves a deep dive into your industry, studying market trends, understanding the competitive landscape, and identifying opportunities for differentiation. This research forms the foundation for all subsequent strategy development.

Customer persona creation is based on the information gathered during onboarding. These personas represent your ideal clients, outlining their demographics, interests, pain points, and buying behavior. This helps us tailor the marketing strategy to effectively engage these target customers.

With a clear understanding of your market and ideal client, we develop a comprehensive marketing strategy. This includes selecting the most effective marketing channels, crafting key messages, planning campaigns, and setting measurable goals.


We always keep your budget in mind with easy special pricing

Get your free marketing audit


Our data analysis and strategic campaign design process

Market Research

Studying consumer behavior, preferences, and market trends, we can identify opportunities, assess competition, and tailor strategies for optimal success

Persona Creation

We develop detailed, semi-fictional representations of your target customers combining demographic, psychographic, and behavioral data to identify your ideal audience.

Omni Channel Strategies

Refine content, messaging, and strategies across multiple platforms, and content types, such as social media, websites, email, video, pdf, infographics, to reach your target market effectively.

Brand Auditing

Comprehensive analysis and evaluation of a brand's current status, including its visual identity, messaging, positioning, and overall perception in the market.

Organic Traffic

All traffic is not equal. If the visitor doesn't engage with your content, traffic quality is poor. High bounce rates are a good indicator of this problem with your web presence.

Paid ad campaigns

When you use Paid ad marketing, you can test and perfect specific messages to motivate people to take action.


Connect with more of your target audience, build brand awareness, drive website traffic, and generate leads or sales.

Analytics & Optimization

Measuring performance is crucial to the success of your company's digital presence. and should be an ongoing process.


Purpose Driven
Marketing Services

Brand Awareness

Introduce a new brand or increase awareness of an existing brand among the target audience

Product Launch

Promote and generate excitement around the introduction of a new product or service.

Lead Generation

Collect contact information or generate interest from potential customers to build a sales pipeline.

Sales Promotion

Encourage immediate purchases through limited-time offers, discounts, or promotional events.

Customer Acquisition

Attract and acquire new customers to expand your customer base.

Customer Retention

Enter new markets or reach untapped customer segments to expand your business' reach.

Event Promotion

Create awareness and drive attendance for events such as product launches, webinars, or conferences

Market Expansion

Enter new markets or reach untapped customer segments to expand business reach.


Communicate changes in brand identity, positioning, or values to your target audience.

Educational Campaign

Provide information and educate customers about products, services, or industry-related topics.

Social Media Engagement

Build and engage with your audience on social media platforms to strengthen brand presence.

Community Building

Foster a sense of community around your brand or cause to enhance customer loyalty.

Influencer Marketing

Leverage influencers to promote products or services and reach their audience.

Seasonal Campaigns

Align marketing efforts with specific seasons or holidays to capitalize on related trends.

Competitor Response

Respond to competitor activities or market changes with strategic marketing initiatives.

Crisis Management

Communicate effectively during times of product recalls or crisis situations to manage the brand's reputation.

Cross and Up Selling

Promote additional products or encourage customers to upgrade for increased revenue.

Data Collection

Gathering valuable customer data and insights through surveys, contests, or interactive campaigns.

Sustainability and CSR

Highlighting a brand's commitment to social and environmental responsibility.


Automate and streamline SOPs to enhance user experience and fullfilment

Creating sustainable digital revenue streams for each one of our clients


Average Traffic Increase for Clients

The team behind DFYINC

Team of over 50 experts

At DFYinc, we’re focused on building strong and lasting client partnerships. By drawing on our deep industry knowledge and expertise, we provide the insights, strategies, and infrastructure you need to build and evolve your brand, drive business performance, mitigate risk, and increase your bottom line.


Digital marketing & industry insights