What Are The Top Mobile App Development Trends In 2023?

By 2026, the mobile app market will be close to US dollar $614.40 billion. (https://www.statista.com/outlook/dmo/app/worldwide) So, the question on every app developer’s mind is: Which app development trends will be popular in 2023?

How it will impact mobile app development going forward, etc.

Check out the following article if you’re frustrated by questions like these:

Top Mobile App Development Trends in 2023

  •  Adoption of 5G technology

The expansion of 5G technology will undoubtedly accelerate the creation of mobile applications. Every year, both the number of 5G devices and the number of apps being developed expand quickly.

5G will provide many advanced technologies such as Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and an increase in the number of apps that are incorporated with AR and VR for a more pleasant user experience.

Data transfer between devices and to the cloud will be quicker and simpler. Applications will improve, and additional features will be added more quickly. Because customers with fast internet speeds would be able to use any mobile app with ease, it will provide app developers complete freedom to create apps with no restrictions.

  • Platforms with low or no code are on the rise

The low- and no-code platforms make it simpler for regular people to become citizen developers and create their own original apps that are tailored to our specific needs. Because users with little programming experience can also create apps, these platforms substantially lower the entry barrier for app development.

No coding platforms have developed a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface that significantly speeds up the creation of enterprise-level apps.

The market for these platforms is anticipated to grow significantly in the future, and many executives see LCNC platforms as essential investments.

By 2030, $187 billion in revenue is expected to be generated by the low-code platform market, representing a 31.1% CAGR between 2020 and 2030. (https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2020/11/10/2123468/0/en/Global-187-Billion-Low-Code-Development-Platform-Market-to-2030.html)

  • Beacon technology

It is a popular method of exchanging data with user devices while they are offline. Beacons are transmitters that are Bluetooth-enabled and linked to electronic gadgets. Beacons are deployed in places like shopping centres, airports, hospitals, and other facilities.

Every time a consumer, or more specifically their phone, is in the vicinity of a beacon, the devices send some kind of information to their phone, such as a notification about a promotion or a map of the location.

  • PWA (Progressive web apps)

It is also a growing mobile trend, whose demand won’t be slowing down anytime soon. PWAs provide an interface for websites and native mobile apps. These apps take up little space, require minimal loading time, and are less dependent on the network. PWA apps are not a new phenomenon in the world of mobile app development, but they are here to stay and assist companies in achieving their goals at a low cost. Due to the fact that they are just web pages with app capabilities, progressive web apps are more usable and easier to design than traditional apps. Progressive web apps are renowned for being flexible, interactive, and continuously updated.

Stellar Digital is the top mobile app development company specializing in developing progressive web apps.

  • Mobile commerce

It is also a growing mobile trend, whose demand won’t be slowing down anytime soon. PWAs provide an interface for websites and native mobile apps. These apps take up little space, require minimal loading time, and are less dependent on the network. Even though PWA apps are not a recent invention in the field of mobile app development, they are here to stay and help businesses achieve their objectives at a minimal cost.

These progressive web apps are more usable and simpler to create than normal apps because they are simply web pages with app capabilities. Progressive web apps are renowned for being flexible, interactive, and continuously updated.

Other trends in mobile app development that will have an impact on the industry through 2023 and beyond include

    • Blockchain technology
    • AR/VR
    • Cross-platform development
    • Wearables
    • Voice recognition and more


The mobile app development landscape is continuously evolving, that’s why it’s essential to stay up-to-date on the latest trends. In this article, we have outlined some of the biggest trends that will reshape the future of the mobile sector in 2023 and beyond. If you adapt to these trends then it will assists you stay ahead of the competition.

Choose Stellar Digital the best mobile app development company in Delhi NCR and Gurgaon, offering full-scale mobile app development services. We have an expert team of developers and designers that will build the right mobile solution for you.